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Immigration Fraud

Get A Strong and Thorough Defense to Allegations Of Immigration Fraud

Emigrating to the United States is a lengthy process that involves filling out complex paperwork and navigating difficult legal challenges. Mistakes made during the process can lead to accusations of immigration fraud. With immigrants now facing unprecedented legal challenges, the federal government is filing more charges against unsuspecting immigrants.

The Law Office of Ann Fitz defends immigrants from these fraud charges and helps them protect their legal status. Attorney Ann Fitz is a vigilant protector of her clients' rights, and she has 20 years of experience in federal courts. You can talk to her in a consultation at the firm's West Palm Beach office by calling 561-932-1690.

What Is Immigration Fraud?

There are two types of immigration fraud: document fraud and benefit application fraud. Document fraud applies in cases where someone has attempted to buy or has procured a visa, other documentation or entry/admission into the United States by fraud or by willfully misrepresenting a material fact.

Examples of immigration fraud related to document misrepresentation include:

  • Using a false name, birth date or marital status to get a visa, an extension, or a change of status or adjustment of status
  • Falsely claiming to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident on an I-9 form to obtain employment
  • Falsification of employment, qualifications or income supporting an H1-B visa

Benefit application fraud occurs when an individual unlawfully obtains another benefit under the immigration laws. The most common type of benefit fraud charge is marriage fraud, which accounts for half of all immigration fraud cases. Marriage fraud happens when a foreign national or illegal immigrant uses a short-term or fraudulent marriage to gain U.S. green cards and citizenship.

Start Building Your Defense Now

The penalties for immigration fraud range can range from 5 to 25 years in federal prison. If you are facing charges or are under investigation for immigration fraud, do not talk to law enforcement without first contacting Ms. Fitz.

You can call the firm now at 561-932-1690 to schedule your consultation. You may also use the contact form at any time.

Contact Us Today

The Law Office of Ann Fitz is committed to answering your questions about Criminal Defense law issues in Florida. We offer a Free Consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
